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Round: 14 Venue: Perth Stadium Date: Sat, 8-Jun-2024 2:35 PM (4:35 PM) Attendance: 43276
West Coast1.
North Melbourne0.
Qrt marginWC by 9NM by 8NM by 27NM by 9
Qrt scoresWC 10-1NM 28-11NM 25-6WC 38-20
Field umpiresJeff Dalgleish (249), Tom Bryce (16), Andrew Heffernan (70), Martin Rodger (34)

[West Coast Player Details][North Melbourne Player Details]

[Scoring progression]

 Abbreviations key #=Jumper
GM=Games played
DA=Disposal average
HO=Hit outs
RB=Rebound 50s
IF=Inside 50s
FF=Free kicks for
FA=Free kicks against
BR=Brownlow votes
CP=Contested possessions
UP=Uncontested possessions
CM=Contested marks
MI=Marks inside 50
1%=One percenters
GA=Goal assist
%P=Percentage of game played
SU=Sub (On/Off)
↑=subbed on
↓=subbed off
West Coast Match Statistics [Season][Game by Game]
37 Barrass, Tom6239   221 3   541 11  92
18 Chesser, Campbell62713   1152    67     74
28 Cole, Tom91413   3121221 48  4  84
15 Cripps, Jamie118102113 5161 2  714 2 1185
49 Culley, Jai94514 1  3412   68 1   84
27 Darling, Jack74 71321 21422 34 31  98
14 Duggan, Liam134518   26411 1 214  4  79
42 ↓Edwards, Harry4537   11  3 1 342 4  58
25 Flynn, Matt42481 291 124 2 34113  77
3 Gaff, Andrew931019   22413 2 108     75
7 Ginbey, Reuben71512   7321211 57 141182
19 Hough, Brady84715   122     781 1  86
44 Hutchinson, Jack3114 1 3 3  1  41  21 70
31 Jones, Jamaine62612   512 323 66  12 86
41 ↑Maric, Ryan4126 1 2 2 1   24    136
20 McGovern, Jeremy1121223 1 1411521 117  51 82
21 Petruccelle, Jack54914   3 21311 710  3  75
1 Ryan, Liam41711   1 32221 55   3 82
4 Sheed, Dom101616 1 2 26632 96     75
2 Waterman, Jake12841632 1 3  1  61013   92
32 Williams, Bailey2168  1711217 4 54  4  78
23 Witherden, Alex1446201  421  1  614  4  80
6 Yeo, Elliot111122311 13148434 167  1  72
Totals175661343098174862315830552326 1381646115293 


 Abbreviations key #=Jumper
GM=Games played
DA=Disposal average
HO=Hit outs
RB=Rebound 50s
IF=Inside 50s
FF=Free kicks for
FA=Free kicks against
BR=Brownlow votes
CP=Contested possessions
UP=Uncontested possessions
CM=Contested marks
MI=Marks inside 50
1%=One percenters
GA=Goal assist
%P=Percentage of game played
SU=Sub (On/Off)
↑=subbed on
↓=subbed off
North Melbourne Match Statistics [Season][Game by Game]
34 Archer, Jackson62612   5221111 741    84
30 Comben, Charlie55510 1 13115 2 46  4  96
4 Corr, Aidan7218   23  2   241 9  91
25 Curtis, Paul526111  5  15 2 831 1  72
9 Davies-Uniacke, Luke1331326 1 5 4321 31016    186
42 Dawson, Kallan5138   43 2 1  33  3  75
18 ↓Dawson, Wil                      10
16 Fisher, Zac2661036    1131321 719  12 79
40 ↑Ford, Eddie4259 1 5   1 1 72 1  252
20 Larkey, Nick1263155  4 3 11 2410121  100
11 McDonald, Luke74310   325     632 9 186
32 Pink, Toby6339  211211   45113  65
24 Powell, Tom124618   41232 2 511     75
8 Scott, Bailey82816 1 651412  89  2  86
3 Sheezel, Harry14416301  5332313 1216    490
14 Shiels, Liam63814   3  14 2 961 22 84
12 Simpkin, Jy18510282  727533 1121511 1 85
2 Stephenson, Jaidyn1034141  113 5 2 410     74
5 Taylor, Curtis6117   44 111  26     75
13 Tucker, Darcy165521   2412413 415 23  90
6 Wardlaw, George1131021   7131024  157  21 74
38 Xerri, Tristan104919  3210339663 146  3 184
44 Zurhaar, Cameron9351412 3  1321 68112  89
Opposition175661343098174862315830552326 1381646115293 


West Coast Player Details
#PlayerAgeCareer Games (W-D-L W%)Career Goals (Ave.)West Coast Games (W-D-L W%)West Coast Goals (Ave.)
37Barrass, Tom28y 244d144 (69-1-74 48.26%)1 (0.01) 
18Chesser, Campbell21y 42d27 (6-0-21 22.22%)4 (0.15) 
28Cole, Tom27y 11d103 (55-0-48 53.40%)4 (0.04) 
15Cripps, Jamie32y 46d241 (124-1-116 51.66%)300 (1.24)225 (116-1-108 51.78%)284 (1.26)
49Culley, Jai21y 105d10 (0-0-10 0.00%)6 (0.60) 
27Darling, Jack31y 361d290 (155-1-134 53.62%)525 (1.81) 
14Duggan, Liam27y 180d171 (82-0-89 47.95%)14 (0.08) 
42Edwards, Harry23y 251d33 (7-0-26 21.21%)  
25Flynn, Matt26y 269d35 (10-1-24 30.00%)11 (0.31)2 (0-0-2 0.00%)1 (0.50)
3Gaff, Andrew31y 358d278 (149-1-128 53.78%)84 (0.30) 
7Ginbey, Reuben19y 272d30 (4-0-26 13.33%)2 (0.07) 
19Hough, Brady21y 95d43 (6-0-37 13.95%)  
44Hutchinson, Jack22y 211d1 (0-0-1 0.00%)  
31Jones, Jamaine25y 253d61 (19-0-42 31.15%)22 (0.36)54 (14-0-40 25.93%)18 (0.33)
41Maric, Ryan19y 276d21 (5-0-16 23.81%)14 (0.67) 
20McGovern, Jeremy32y 54d185 (103-0-82 55.68%)37 (0.20) 
21Petruccelle, Jack25y 57d83 (30-0-53 36.14%)66 (0.80) 
1Ryan, Liam27y 250d96 (46-0-50 47.92%)130 (1.35) 
4Sheed, Dom29y 59d165 (91-1-73 55.45%)69 (0.42) 
2Waterman, Jake26y 33d95 (40-0-55 42.11%)112 (1.18) 
32Williams, Bailey24y 52d62 (13-0-49 20.97%)18 (0.29) 
23Witherden, Alex25y 272d113 (38-0-75 33.63%)8 (0.07)54 (12-0-42 22.22%)3 (0.06)
6Yeo, Elliot30y 251d203 (111-1-91 54.93%)81 (0.40)176 (100-1-75 57.10%)80 (0.45)
Totals26y 63d2490 (1163-7-1320 46.71%)1508 (0.61)  
CSimpson, Adam48y 113d239 (122-1-116 51.26%)  


North Melbourne Player Details
#PlayerAgeCareer Games (W-D-L W%)Career Goals (Ave.)North Melbourne Games (W-D-L W%)North Melbourne Goals (Ave.)
34Archer, Jackson21y 151d12 (1-0-11 8.33%)  
30Comben, Charlie22y 324d18 (3-0-15 16.67%)5 (0.28) 
4Corr, Aidan30y 22d151 (52-3-96 35.43%)3 (0.02)53 (5-0-48 9.43%)1 (0.02)
25Curtis, Paul21y 96d48 (5-0-43 10.42%)46 (0.96) 
9Davies-Uniacke, Luke25y97 (19-1-77 20.10%)36 (0.37) 
42Dawson, Kallan25y 322d10 (2-0-8 20.00%)  
18Dawson, Wil18y 171d3 (1-0-2 33.33%)  
16Fisher, Zac25y 359d119 (36-1-82 30.67%)53 (0.45)12 (1-0-11 8.33%) 
40Ford, Eddie21y 353d31 (2-0-29 6.45%)26 (0.84) 
20Larkey, Nick26y 2d106 (21-1-84 20.28%)215 (2.03) 
11McDonald, Luke29y 120d192 (68-0-124 35.42%)18 (0.09) 
32Pink, Toby25y 302d7 (1-0-6 14.29%)1 (0.14) 
24Powell, Tom22y 98d57 (7-1-49 13.16%)22 (0.39) 
8Scott, Bailey23y 335d90 (10-1-79 11.67%)28 (0.31) 
3Sheezel, Harry19y 239d35 (4-0-31 11.43%)6 (0.17) 
14Shiels, Liam33y 40d278 (159-3-116 57.73%)94 (0.34)23 (3-0-20 13.04%)4 (0.17)
12Simpkin, Jy26y 95d142 (38-1-103 27.11%)56 (0.39) 
2Stephenson, Jaidyn25y 145d119 (41-1-77 34.87%)129 (1.08)65 (7-1-57 11.54%)53 (0.82)
5Taylor, Curtis24y 63d71 (13-1-57 19.01%)31 (0.44) 
13Tucker, Darcy27y 137d138 (44-0-94 31.88%)44 (0.32)30 (2-0-28 6.67%)9 (0.30)
6Wardlaw, George19y 363d19 (1-0-18 5.26%)5 (0.26) 
38Xerri, Tristan25y 85d45 (7-1-37 16.67%)16 (0.36) 
44Zurhaar, Cameron26y 17d110 (25-1-84 23.18%)147 (1.34) 
Totals24y 246d1898 (560-16-1322 29.50%)981 (0.52)  
CClarkson, Alastair56y 42d415 (232-4-179 56.39%) 25 (4-0-21 16.00%) 


Scoring progression
West CoastTimeScoreTimeNorth Melbourne
1st quarter (28m 37s)
Jack Darling behind2m 11s0.1.1 - 0.0.0  
Jack Darling behind5m 19s0.2.2 - 0.0.0  
  0.2.2 - 0.1.113m 27sBailey Scott behind
Jake Waterman behind17m 12s0.3.3 - 0.1.1  
Jack Darling goal26m 24s1.3.9 - 0.1.1  
Jack Darling behind28m 34s1.4.10 - 0.1.1  
2nd quarter (31m 21s)
  1.4.10 - 0.2.21m 1sLuke Davies-Uniacke behind
  1.4.10 - 0.3.32m 29sCameron Zurhaar behind
  1.4.10 - 0.4.46m 24sRushed behind
  1.4.10 - 1.4.107m 16sJaidyn Stephenson goal
Jamie Cripps goal10m 24s2.4.16 - 1.4.10  
Jamie Cripps behind13m 31s2.5.17 - 1.4.10  
Rushed behind15m 52s2.6.18 - 1.4.10  
  2.6.18 - 2.4.1618m 26sNick Larkey goal
  2.6.18 - 2.5.1719m 57sEddie Ford behind
Rushed behind21m 32s2.7.19 - 2.5.17  
  2.7.19 - 3.5.2323m 19sCameron Zurhaar goal
Jai Culley behind26m 34s2.8.20 - 3.5.23  
Jamie Cripps behind27m 42s2.9.21 - 3.5.23  
  2.9.21 - 4.5.2929m 49sNick Larkey goal
3rd quarter (29m 44s)
Jake Waterman behind1m 13s2.10.22 - 4.5.29  
  2.10.22 - 5.5.357m 10sNick Larkey goal
  2.10.22 - 6.5.419m 5sNick Larkey goal
  2.10.22 - 7.5.4713m 13sNick Larkey goal
  2.10.22 - 7.6.4815m 29sCharlie Comben behind
Jack Hutchinson behind18m 49s2.11.23 - 7.6.48  
Elliot Yeo behind21m 22s2.12.24 - 7.6.48  
Rushed behind23m 37s2.13.25 - 7.6.48  
  2.13.25 - 8.6.5425m 20sHarry Sheezel goal
Jamie Cripps behind28m 5s2.14.26 - 8.6.54  
Dom Sheed behind28m 51s2.15.27 - 8.6.54  
Final quarter (37m 35s)
  2.15.27 - 9.6.601m 45sJy Simpkin goal
Jake Waterman goal4m 3s3.15.33 - 9.6.60  
Matt Flynn goal6m 53s4.15.39 - 9.6.60  
Jake Waterman goal10m 7s5.15.45 - 9.6.60  
Ryan Maric behind11m 21s5.16.46 - 9.6.60  
  5.16.46 - 9.7.6113m 44sRushed behind
Alex Witherden goal15m 57s6.16.52 - 9.7.61  
Elliot Yeo goal20m 19s7.16.58 - 9.7.61  
Jake Waterman goal25m 59s8.16.64 - 9.7.61  
  8.16.64 - 9.8.6228m 22sCameron Zurhaar behind
  8.16.64 - 10.8.6833m 6sJy Simpkin goal
  8.16.64 - 11.8.7434m 29sPaul Curtis goal
Jeremy McGovern behind36m 42s8.17.65 - 11.8.74  
Biggest lead:9 (Q1 28m 34s) Game time:127m 17sBiggest lead:33 (Q4 1m 45s) 

[2024 Games] [2024 Player Statistics]

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