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Round: 23 Venue: S.C.G. Date: Fri, 9-Aug-2024 7:40 PM Attendance: 37854
Qrt marginCW by 13CW by 3CW by 21SY by 3
Qrt scoresCW 34-21SY 20-10CW 34-16SY 32-8
Field umpiresJamie Broadbent (95), Nathan Williamson (185), Andre Gianfagna (125), Jacob Mollison (355)

[Sydney Player Details][Collingwood Player Details]

[Scoring progression]

 Abbreviations key #=Jumper
GM=Games played
DA=Disposal average
HO=Hit outs
RB=Rebound 50s
IF=Inside 50s
FF=Free kicks for
FA=Free kicks against
BR=Brownlow votes
CP=Contested possessions
UP=Uncontested possessions
CM=Contested marks
MI=Marks inside 50
1%=One percenters
GA=Goal assist
%P=Percentage of game played
SU=Sub (On/Off)
↑=subbed on
↓=subbed off
Sydney Match Statistics [Season][Game by Game]
3 Adams, Taylor61410   2 1121  46     63
36 Amartey, Joel84311 2 3 31311 39  5 177
22 Blakey, Nick187624 1 2541321 517  10 183
16 Campbell, Braeden65511   44 121  48  3  70
33 ↑Cleary, Caiden  11            1     7
7 Cunningham, Harry96413   231     491 3  83
13 Florent, Oliver646121  31311   48 132 86
42 ↓Fox, Robbie3114   2 1 312 12  2  65
4 Grundy, Brodie5 813  386134935 104  1 175
21 Gulden, Errol10141411 5 3311  76  2  87
9 Hayward, Will11431431 114  2  6821   84
5 Heeney, Isaac196133213 319735  151621  184
17 Jordon, James62281  5123111 441   183
44 Lloyd, Jake116718   162 31  712  3  85
30 McCartin, Tom3147   12 16 2 33  8  95
6 McDonald, Logan77 71  12  2 1 16117  91
2 McLean, Hayden546111 91 1111  46114  76
14 Mills, Callum51712   312     461 5  82
26 Parker, Luke727142  3115121 114 11 184
24 Rampe, Dane5116   32  11  241 5  86
34 Roberts, Matt163925   43224   610  12 93
8 Rowbottom, James1011121 1 5157521 119  2  78
1 Warner, Chad17216332  312841  1317   3186
Totals1936912832113114763364946552615 1291751066577 
Opposition2177612033712144762364943691526 13417614104527 


 Abbreviations key #=Jumper
GM=Games played
DA=Disposal average
HO=Hit outs
RB=Rebound 50s
IF=Inside 50s
FF=Free kicks for
FA=Free kicks against
BR=Brownlow votes
CP=Contested possessions
UP=Uncontested possessions
CM=Contested marks
MI=Marks inside 50
1%=One percenters
GA=Goal assist
%P=Percentage of game played
SU=Sub (On/Off)
↑=subbed on
↓=subbed off
Collingwood Match Statistics [Season][Game by Game]
27 Bytel, Jack1474181  145 4 2 212  1 284
14 Cameron, Darcy1475191 251 17231 153511 186
46 Cox, Mason65281 213 224 2 7 523  77
25 Crisp, Jack121112311 43344 1 1112 12  81
7 Daicos, Josh186826   3442211 717     87
35 Daicos, Nick13 1225   4239913 1312  21 90
5 Elliott, Jamie11441511 211 111 28 11  85
17 ↓Frampton, Billy2235   11  4 2 23  6  85
23 Hill, Bobby513821 5   1   6211   72
32 Hoskin-Elliott, Will5138   4   11  44  1 179
38 Howe, Jeremy142317   17  311 48  5  86
1 Lipinski, Patrick7291611 1  11   312     85
44 Long, Ned11121311 6 33423 66  1 158
4 Maynard, Brayden103313    411421 65     81
31 McCreery, Beau827151  5 423 1 79  1 176
11 McStay, Daniel1093131111 611 1 58221  87
30 Moore, Darcy84412   223 1 1 441 81 90
9 Noble, John94514   332 21  49  2  79
10 Pendlebury, Scott831018   7 33511 612  1  78
3 Quaynor, Isaac1354171  12215 1 510  3 183
29 ↑Richards, Joe                      1
8 Schultz, Lachie51813 2 4 314 2 59 12  81
22 Sidebottom, Steele146721 2 3336411 1011 14  89
Totals2177612033712144762364943691526 13417614104527 
Opposition1936912832113114763364946552615 1291751066577 


Sydney Player Details
#PlayerAgeCareer Games (W-D-L W%)Career Goals (Ave.)Sydney Games (W-D-L W%)Sydney Goals (Ave.)
3Adams, Taylor30y 324d223 (111-2-110 50.22%)85 (0.38)17 (12-0-5 70.59%)9 (0.53)
36Amartey, Joel24y 342d48 (32-1-15 67.71%)65 (1.35) 
22Blakey, Nick24y 164d123 (68-1-54 55.69%)37 (0.30) 
16Campbell, Braeden22y 187d66 (40-1-25 61.36%)13 (0.20) 
33Cleary, Caiden19y 157d3 (2-0-1 66.67%)1 (0.33) 
7Cunningham, Harry30y 247d203 (122-1-80 60.34%)52 (0.26) 
13Florent, Oliver26y 18d163 (91-1-71 56.13%)47 (0.29) 
42Fox, Robbie31y 115d102 (53-1-48 52.45%)14 (0.14) 
4Grundy, Brodie30y 116d215 (114-2-99 53.49%)72 (0.33)21 (15-0-6 71.43%)2 (0.10)
21Gulden, Errol22y 22d88 (57-1-30 65.34%)67 (0.76) 
9Hayward, Will25y 288d158 (89-1-68 56.65%)194 (1.23) 
5Heeney, Isaac28y 96d197 (125-1-71 63.71%)252 (1.28) 
17Jordon, James23y 233d86 (63-1-22 73.84%)26 (0.30)21 (15-0-6 71.43%)9 (0.43)
44Lloyd, Jake30y 324d244 (150-1-93 61.68%)40 (0.16) 
30McCartin, Tom24y 223d128 (74-0-54 57.81%)28 (0.22) 
6McDonald, Logan22y 127d65 (43-1-21 66.92%)87 (1.34) 
2McLean, Hayden25y 202d74 (42-1-31 57.43%)73 (0.99) 
14Mills, Callum27y 129d159 (90-1-68 56.92%)28 (0.18) 
26Parker, Luke31y 289d288 (176-2-110 61.46%)204 (0.71) 
24Rampe, Dane34y 68d246 (158-2-86 64.63%)7 (0.03) 
34Roberts, Matt21y 9d25 (18-0-7 72.00%)3 (0.12) 
8Rowbottom, James23y 325d112 (64-1-47 57.59%)32 (0.29) 
1Warner, Chad23y 82d81 (51-0-30 62.96%)74 (0.91) 
Totals26y 114d3097 (1833-23-1241 59.19%)1501 (0.48)  
CLongmire, John53y 222d328 (204-3-121 62.65%)  


Collingwood Player Details
#PlayerAgeCareer Games (W-D-L W%)Career Goals (Ave.)Collingwood Games (W-D-L W%)Collingwood Goals (Ave.)
27Bytel, Jack24y 148d28 (15-0-13 53.57%)4 (0.14)6 (4-0-2 66.67%)1 (0.17)
14Cameron, Darcy29y 22d93 (51-3-39 56.45%)59 (0.63)92 (51-3-38 57.07%)59 (0.64)
46Cox, Mason33y 148d127 (77-2-48 61.42%)123 (0.97) 
25Crisp, Jack30y 312d247 (132-4-111 54.25%)86 (0.35)229 (125-4-100 55.46%)76 (0.33)
7Daicos, Josh25y 257d124 (71-3-50 58.47%)64 (0.52) 
35Daicos, Nick21y 219d68 (45-2-21 67.65%)42 (0.62) 
5Elliott, Jamie31y 354d192 (116-3-73 61.20%)286 (1.49) 
17Frampton, Billy27y 263d57 (32-2-23 57.89%)20 (0.35)33 (22-2-9 69.70%)8 (0.24)
23Hill, Bobby24y 182d86 (48-3-35 57.56%)95 (1.10)45 (31-2-12 71.11%)61 (1.36)
32Hoskin-Elliott, Will30y 342d222 (111-3-108 50.68%)184 (0.83)170 (99-3-68 59.12%)142 (0.84)
38Howe, Jeremy34y 41d250 (107-3-140 43.40%)103 (0.41)150 (85-3-62 57.67%)23 (0.15)
1Lipinski, Patrick26y 23d116 (68-2-46 59.48%)60 (0.52)60 (37-2-21 63.33%)30 (0.50)
44Long, Ned21y 186d11 (2-0-9 18.18%)3 (0.27)6 (2-0-4 33.33%)2 (0.33)
4Maynard, Brayden27y 324d207 (110-4-93 54.11%)20 (0.10) 
31McCreery, Beau23y 112d75 (46-2-27 62.67%)50 (0.67) 
11McStay, Daniel29y 46d179 (90-0-89 50.28%)164 (0.92)18 (12-0-6 66.67%)26 (1.44)
30Moore, Darcy28y 197d171 (90-4-77 53.80%)67 (0.39) 
9Noble, John27y 137d110 (64-3-43 59.55%)8 (0.07) 
10Pendlebury, Scott36y 215d401 (241-5-155 60.72%)201 (0.50) 
3Quaynor, Isaac24y 207d106 (60-2-44 57.55%)4 (0.04) 
29Richards, Joe24y 260d8 (2-1-5 31.25%)5 (0.63) 
8Schultz, Lachie26y 253d108 (52-3-53 49.54%)123 (1.14)18 (9-2-7 55.56%)22 (1.22)
22Sidebottom, Steele33y 220d329 (197-6-126 60.79%)193 (0.59) 
Totals28y 4d3315 (1827-60-1428 55.11%)1964 (0.59)  
CMcRae, Craig50y 322d72 (48-2-22 68.06%)  


Scoring progression
1st quarter (35m 2s)
Will Hayward goal1m 59s1.0.6 - 0.0.0  
James Rowbottom behind4m 13s1.1.7 - 0.0.0  
  1.1.7 - 0.1.17m 33sLachie Schultz behind
James Jordon goal8m 40s2.1.13 - 0.1.1  
  2.1.13 - 1.1.713m 1sJack Crisp goal
  2.1.13 - 2.1.1314m 11sJamie Elliott goal
Isaac Heeney behind16m 6s2.2.14 - 2.1.13  
Joel Amartey behind17m 42s2.3.15 - 2.1.13  
  2.3.15 - 2.2.1419m 17sNed Long behind
  2.3.15 - 3.2.2021m 34sJack Bytel goal
Luke Parker goal23m 10s3.3.21 - 3.2.20  
  3.3.21 - 3.3.2127m 14sRushed behind
  3.3.21 - 4.3.2728m 54sMason Cox goal
  3.3.21 - 5.3.3330m 34sIsaac Quaynor goal
  3.3.21 - 5.4.3432m 43sSteele Sidebottom behind
2nd quarter (32m 48s)
Luke Parker goal0m 51s4.3.27 - 5.4.34  
Hayden McLean goal2m 37s5.3.33 - 5.4.34  
  5.3.33 - 5.5.356m 13sRushed behind
Chad Warner goal7m 20s6.3.39 - 5.5.35  
  6.3.39 - 5.6.3612m 17sJack Crisp behind
  6.3.39 - 6.6.4215m 39sBeau McCreery goal
Isaac Heeney behind17m 16s6.4.40 - 6.6.42  
Joel Amartey behind20m 16s6.5.41 - 6.6.42  
  6.5.41 - 6.7.4323m 54sBobby Hill behind
  6.5.41 - 6.8.4429m 16sRushed behind
3rd quarter (30m 47s)
  6.5.41 - 7.8.500m 57sPatrick Lipinski goal
  6.5.41 - 8.8.563m 42sDaniel McStay goal
  6.5.41 - 8.9.575m 26sLachie Schultz behind
  6.5.41 - 9.9.636m 40sDarcy Cameron goal
Errol Gulden behind8m 56s6.6.42 - 9.9.63  
Will Hayward goal10m 6s7.6.48 - 9.9.63  
Nick Blakey behind13m 0s7.7.49 - 9.9.63  
Oliver Florent goal13m 41s8.7.55 - 9.9.63  
  8.7.55 - 10.9.6918m 49sBobby Hill goal
Isaac Heeney behind20m 10s8.8.56 - 10.9.69  
  8.8.56 - 10.10.7022m 24sDaniel McStay behind
  8.8.56 - 10.11.7124m 37sSteele Sidebottom behind
  8.8.56 - 10.12.7227m 17sRushed behind
  8.8.56 - 11.12.7828m 20sBobby Hill goal
Rushed behind30m 7s8.9.57 - 11.12.78  
Final quarter (34m 11s)
  8.9.57 - 12.12.841m 27sNed Long goal
Will Hayward behind5m 52s8.10.58 - 12.12.84  
Rushed behind7m 28s8.11.59 - 12.12.84  
Will Hayward goal14m 3s9.11.65 - 12.12.84  
Logan McDonald goal15m 41s10.11.71 - 12.12.84  
Chad Warner goal18m 14s11.11.77 - 12.12.84  
  11.11.77 - 12.13.8520m 15sPatrick Lipinski behind
Isaac Heeney goal25m 6s12.11.83 - 12.13.85  
Errol Gulden goal27m 35s13.11.89 - 12.13.85  
  13.11.89 - 12.14.8629m 5sJamie Elliott behind
Biggest lead:12 (Q1 8m 40s) Game time:132m 48sBiggest lead:27 (Q4 1m 27s) 

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