[League Main]

Round by Round Ladders

[Year by Year Ladder Positions][Team by Team Ladder Positions]
Alltime Ladder Positions
TeamRds 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th Last
Adelaide 42      3 5 5 4 1     1 2 8 4 5 4 5
Annandale 155     13 24 49 59 10            64
Balmain 1664 159 139 202 165 182 182 141 123 72 67 61 90 24 17 21 17 1  1  118
Brisbane 907 148 125 90 78 92 56 51 59 42 32 24 25 20 22 25 14 4    11
Canberra 1063 32 53 72 82 62 52 66 66 91 125 100 77 59 73 33 19 1    60
Canterbury 1921 149 133 173 158 184 194 184 157 144 108 62 57 50 37 63 59 3 5 1  140
Cronulla 1393 64 70 105 100 123 109 120 112 121 114 83 94 48 45 38 46   1  84
Cumberland 10     1   5 4            4
Dolphins 54 2 2 3 8 3 8 3 6 3 3 2 2 4 4   1    1
Glebe 310 19 57 65 61 32 20 30 22 4            5
Gold Coast 244   1 1 6 3 8 3 2 4 9 6 9 37 35 72 13 10 12 13 77
Gold Coast Titans 459 7 11 25 25 13 17 19 22 34 38 31 31 49 44 46 44 3    39
Hunter 18      8 3 3 4            
Illawarra 400 3 3 13 14 14 18 25 31 38 31 44 28 69 31 11 20 5 1  1 58
Manly 1679 234 194 162 191 165 133 102 97 97 58 43 54 48 33 31 27 10    46
Melbourne 691 155 107 76 79 67 61 33 32 25 15 10 4 4 3  20     23
New Zealand 753 4 10 20 33 21 48 50 57 60 81 64 70 99 81 41 7 5  2  26
Newcastle 911 33 50 58 59 58 64 68 66 76 67 67 51 26 59 60 49     73
Newcastle08-09 20   2 9 4 3 1 1             1
Newtown 1290 104 105 100 141 140 148 155 114 75 49 74 76 8 1       118
North Queensland 753 13 31 40 61 40 35 45 38 32 36 44 48 65 83 68 29 8 4 9 24 91
Northern Eagles 78    2  5 5 14 16 12 7 15 2        
Norths 1664 54 97 120 138 194 211 198 179 137 109 114 83 10 5 12 3     174
Parramatta 1757 112 119 102 107 114 122 110 145 135 208 101 102 58 60 52 93 4 5 8  255
Penrith 1393 92 107 66 71 82 78 69 110 122 145 113 122 65 64 58 27 2    85
Perth 62    3 3 5 5 3 1 3 3 6 5 5 2 5 5 3 1 4 4
South Queensland 66     1 2    2 1 20 1 2 3 14 4 5 6 5 24
Souths 2253 274 230 219 178 158 146 154 167 117 112 95 70 68 70 92 34 16 20 20 13 168
St George 1463 235 243 181 166 113 104 115 82 82 52 32 30 13 5 5 3 2    42
St George Illawarra 667 66 23 30 21 26 45 51 47 63 55 64 42 47 39 29 14 5    11
Sydney Roosters 2305 253 259 241 208 233 193 189 176 126 142 57 59 46 51 36 36     111
University 262 3 12 6 8 18 18 31 75 91            128
Wests 1664 107 130 131 131 139 175 198 188 80 59 41 82 94 27 31 19 15 11 2 4 219
Wests Tigers 641 1 13 20 25 22 33 40 59 69 47 51 53 54 43 44 34 33    58
Longest Streaks At 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th Last
Adelaide      2 2 3 2 1     1 2 1 3 2 3 3
Annandale     7 7 10 14 3            14
Balmain 15 10 14 5 6 10 9 11 6 9 14 20 4 3 6 10 1  1  20
Brisbane 23 9 10 9 8 8 3 7 4 3 4 3 4 3 7 4 4    4
Canberra 9 6 5 10 10 3 5 10 5 9 9 6 6 26 11 6 1    26
Canterbury 12 12 15 10 10 12 14 12 8 18 8 7 8 3 9 12 1 4 1  18
Cronulla 7 10 6 4 7 6 5 6 7 20 12 12 3 5 10 12   1  12
Cumberland     1   4 2            2
Dolphins 2 2 1 7 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 4   1    1
Glebe 5 8 10 9 7 4 7 3 2            2
Gold Coast   1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 9 6 18 4 2 2 4 18
Gold Coast Titans 2 2 14 4 5 2 3 4 3 3 3 4 5 4 5 9 1    9
Hunter      1 1 1 2            
Illawarra 2 1 3 4 3 6 4 5 6 2 8 2 17 16 4 18 2 1  1 18
Manly 21 14 7 13 11 7 13 9 11 4 6 5 4 4 3 5 7    7
Melbourne 19 10 4 13 5 5 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 3  20     20
New Zealand 1 4 6 7 2 6 3 6 7 7 3 5 10 6 6 1 3  1  7
Newcastle 5 5 4 8 6 3 5 4 6 4 8 5 4 9 22 18     22
Newcastle08-09   1 6 2 2 1 1             1
Newtown 14 7 8 8 7 8 11 12 18 9 12 20 3 1       20
North Queensland 6 10 9 9 4 3 6 3 4 3 4 4 8 22 8 10 3 2 4 18 22
Northern Eagles    1  1 3 3 4 2 2 5 1        
Norths 12 7 6 5 8 9 9 8 11 17 13 20 2 1 7 3     20
Parramatta 19 16 11 11 8 8 5 10 4 27 10 8 7 5 6 25 2 2 8  27
Penrith 16 12 5 8 5 9 4 5 6 20 9 19 13 8 13 8 2    19
Perth    3 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 4 4
South Queensland     1 1    1 1 1 1 1 2 10 2 2 3 4 4
Souths 21 13 10 8 6 8 7 28 5 8 15 6 7 17 20 11 6 5 5 5 28
St George 26 13 11 10 7 5 11 7 18 9 12 6 4 1 1 2 1    18
St George Illawarra 22 2 4 3 5 5 4 4 5 6 6 4 7 6 3 6 4    4
Sydney Roosters 20 9 8 10 9 7 10 11 16 18 4 15 6 15 15 14     18
University 3 8 1 1 4 4 9 18 18            19
Wests 13 13 7 5 8 8 10 16 5 10 5 10 24 7 9 7 4 4 1 4 24
Wests Tigers 1 4 6 5 2 3 7 4 7 4 6 9 7 4 9 5 10    10
Longest Streaks Not At 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th Last
Adelaide 42 42 42 42 42 33 31 28 24 25 42 42 42 42 23 34 19 20 21 23 16
Annandale 155 155 155 155 125 42 25 29 140 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 29
Balmain 232 209 127 135 127 107 105 165 340 624 1024 974 1472 1439 1461 1467 1638 1664 1570 1664 229
Brisbane 164 132 96 111 82 114 114 105 165 140 195 423 252 287 261 280 655 907 907 907 276
Canberra 479 152 287 277 148 83 97 127 122 122 74 98 137 238 178 230 728 1063 1063 1063 198
Canterbury 222 225 224 202 194 188 179 171 171 207 622 551 1104 1105 1102 1199 1194 1192 1193 1921 516
Cronulla 423 241 138 132 100 99 112 108 81 120 183 188 356 552 581 574 1393 1393 702 1393 248
Cumberland 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 2 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5
Dolphins 30 51 29 29 22 15 24 33 39 35 37 35 27 28 54 54 27 54 54 54 27
Glebe 70 50 36 40 44 114 104 192 272 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 261
Gold Coast 244 244 198 133 199 203 202 205 132 70 63 128 73 58 51 49 158 164 162 154 64
Gold Coast Titans 272 304 225 120 277 117 73 103 85 117 57 115 57 111 106 104 435 459 459 459 104
Hunter 18 18 18 18 18 6 6 7 8 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
Illawarra 266 132 251 202 204 77 134 50 63 69 72 82 108 276 180 182 332 336 400 334 134
Manly 199 201 129 145 140 136 178 279 264 374 624 742 871 870 956 846 1066 1679 1679 1679 547
Melbourne 165 82 57 72 65 108 147 123 254 270 329 552 555 637 691 356 691 691 691 691 356
New Zealand 257 392 284 141 181 152 66 98 83 66 132 77 55 113 125 383 682 753 689 753 177
Newcastle 132 126 183 111 86 119 75 109 67 154 142 145 352 266 263 454 911 911 911 911 379
Newcastle08-09 20 20 10 7 8 10 13 14 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 14
Newtown 314 152 149 133 117 87 114 103 328 623 931 932 1239 1264 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 144
North Queensland 239 215 188 199 176 171 123 77 115 126 113 88 125 137 128 209 651 720 711 713 151
Northern Eagles 78 78 78 74 78 47 36 30 14 22 21 26 38 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78
Norths 421 509 174 131 165 133 94 89 221 566 932 930 1316 1394 1431 1395 1664 1664 1664 1664 266
Parramatta 306 198 159 260 156 164 101 95 145 197 360 365 820 926 919 912 1008 1006 1014 1757 230
Penrith 300 311 199 108 129 163 172 109 181 124 122 143 351 530 602 508 718 1393 1393 1393 174
Perth 62 62 62 47 49 45 52 44 59 39 40 37 45 48 25 23 28 31 36 32 32
South Queensland 66 66 66 66 43 23 66 66 66 24 44 25 39 38 37 35 30 29 27 36 36
Souths 407 369 437 240 116 206 189 221 548 657 1040 1100 1269 1416 1439 1456 1563 1553 1548 1550 436
St George 144 123 149 178 94 202 90 253 275 500 777 1198 1167 1226 1263 1373 1375 1463 1463 1463 523
St George Illawarra 263 128 135 99 134 77 94 150 116 86 108 114 98 134 156 323 624 667 667 667 323
Sydney Roosters 142 127 117 111 96 131 182 233 307 585 909 912 1397 1395 1429 1529 2305 2305 2305 2305 616
University 174 101 171 61 62 77 46 26 71 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 48
Wests 449 249 206 206 203 214 143 212 384 602 994 908 1238 1266 1395 1398 1625 1614 1622 1634 198
Wests Tigers 493 199 179 123 144 93 114 112 79 105 91 66 90 83 185 337 588 641 641 641 337
Current Streaks Not At 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th Last
Brisbane 28 27 41 42 14 15 11 13 2 3 7  6 5 80 89 655 907 907 907 89
Canberra 25 119 21 26 13 14 12 15  5 1 2 74 47 52 48 728 1063 1063 1063 198
Canterbury 222 225 224 202 1  13 18 14 15 16 20 22 23 21 33 25 722 727 1921 25
Cronulla 15 13 2  29 27 32 26 79 24 48 49 93 53 264 248 1393 1393 690 1393 248
Dolphins 22 51 20 12 11 8 7 1 3  37 35 27 28 54 54 26 54 54 54 26
Gold Coast Titans 272 53 225 101 277 48 44 52 37 36 5 32 2  7 16 12 459 459 459 12
Manly 52 46 51 19 7 3  12 10 16 11 27 37 123 76 77 581 1679 1679 1679 77
Melbourne  16 15 28 23 44 26 24 50 270 101 52 51 637 691 356 691 691 691 691 356
New Zealand 148 49 28 27 34 22 21 36 73 13 24 6  2 54 123 682 753 689 753 123
Newcastle 77 78 121 76 27 105 15  1 4 2 5 7 21 20 70 911 911 911 911 70
North Queensland 24 22 23 21  1 3 7 19 12 15 13 38 39 46 41 651 720 711 713 151
Parramatta 115 94 26 54 55 24 25 33 23 27 21 18 17 13  1 11 743 735 1757 11
Penrith 27  13 2 49 21 45 22 25 124 26 143 193 135 138 139 673 1393 1393 1393 139
Souths 43 42 40 38 41 32 36 28 27 48 121 7 9 10 1  14 615 622 620 14
St George Illawarra 158 26 52 99 101 77 86 2 4 1  14 18 46 22 27 37 667 667 667 37
Sydney Roosters 102 2  7 12 13 16 14 21 22 20 31 35 32 53 218 2305 2305 2305 2305 218
Wests Tigers 147 199 148 123 144 23 114 112 22 105 91 21 20 64 16 11  641 641 641 
Longest Streaks In Top FourTop Four (curr)Top EightTop Eight (curr)
Adelaide   12 
Annandale   140 
Balmain 93  331 
Brisbane 34  139 
Canberra 39  50 
Canterbury 37  151 14
Cronulla 29 24 77 24
Cumberland   5 
Dolphins 7  20 
Glebe 43  272 25
Gold Coast 1  11 
Gold Coast Titans 19  52 
Hunter   8 8
Illawarra 11  23 
Manly 62  168 10
Melbourne 51 23 92 50
New Zealand 22  31 
Newcastle 36  53 1
Newcastle08-09 6 2 20 20
Newtown 42  328 
North Queensland 19  54 12
Northern Eagles 1  8 
Norths 44  221 
Parramatta 49  114 
Penrith 65 21 70 25
Perth 3  18 18
South Queensland   2 
Souths 65  548 
St George 53  275 18
St George Illawarra 49  78 
Sydney Roosters 49 12 307 20
University 18  71 
Wests 34  381 
Wests Tigers 13  19 
Complete Season On TopComplete Season Last
Souths 1929Wests 1912
Easts 1931University 1921
Souths 1951St George 1922
 University 1923
 Newtown 1925
 University 1931
 Souths 1945
 Souths 1946
 Parramatta 1952
 Parramatta 1960
 Canterbury 1964
 Easts 1965
 Canberra 1982
15Melbourne 16th, 2010 to 1st, 201115Souths 1st, 1989 to 16th, 1990
14Bulldogs 16th, 2008 to 2nd, 200914Sydney Roosters 1st, 2015 to 15th, 2016
13Sydney Roosters 15th, 2016 to 2nd, 201713Bulldogs 2nd, 2001 to 15th, 2002
12Sydney Roosters 13th, 2012 to 1st, 201312Sydney Roosters 4th, 2008 to 16th, 2009
12Bulldogs 15th, 2002 to 3rd, 200312Cronulla 3rd, 2008 to 15th, 2009
12North Queensland 15th, 2021 to 3rd, 202212Gold Coast Titans 4th, 2010 to 16th, 2011
11New Zealand 15th, 2022 to 4th, 202312Melbourne 4th, 2009 to 16th, 2010
11Penrith 12th, 2002 to 1st, 200312Parramatta 4th, 2017 to 16th, 2018
11Parramatta 16th, 2018 to 5th, 201912North Queensland 3rd, 2007 to 15th, 2008
11Parramatta 12th, 2004 to 1st, 200512Gold Coast 7th, 1997 to 19th, 1998
11Newcastle 15th, 2005 to 4th, 200611Cronulla 5th, 2013 to 16th, 2014
11Gold Coast 18th, 1996 to 7th, 199711Canterbury 2nd, 2009 to 13th, 2010
10Sydney Roosters 16th, 2009 to 6th, 201011Wests 9th, 1997 to 20th, 1998
10Cronulla 16th, 2014 to 6th, 201511Newcastle 4th, 2006 to 15th, 2007
10Cronulla 11th, 1998 to 1st, 199910Easts 2nd, 1987 to 12th, 1988
10Bulldogs 12th, 2005 to 2nd, 200610Bulldogs 6th, 2007 to 16th, 2008
10Gold Coast Titans 13th, 2008 to 3rd, 200910Bulldogs 2nd, 2004 to 12th, 2005
10Penrith 15th, 1996 to 5th, 199710Brisbane 2nd, 2023 to 12th, 2024
10Parramatta 14th, 2016 to 4th, 201710Penrith 2nd, 2010 to 12th, 2011
10Parramatta 13th, 1996 to 3rd, 19979Cronulla 2nd, 1997 to 11th, 1998
9Canterbury 15th, 2023 to 6th, 20249Wests 5th, 1982 to 14th, 1983
9Bulldogs 11th, 2000 to 2nd, 20019Wests 1st, 1952 to 10th, 1953
9Canberra 15th, 2011 to 6th, 20129Souths 9th, 1994 to 18th, 1995
9Canberra 12th, 1992 to 3rd, 19939St George 2nd, 1993 to 11th, 1994
9Souths 12th, 2017 to 3rd, 20189New Zealand 4th, 2023 to 13th, 2024
9New Zealand 14th, 2009 to 5th, 20109Penrith 5th, 2000 to 14th, 2001
9Penrith 10th, 2019 to 1st, 20209Penrith 5th, 1997 to 14th, 1998
9Penrith 11th, 2009 to 2nd, 20109Norths 5th, 1998 to 14th, 1999
9Newcastle 14th, 2022 to 5th, 20239Manly 6th, 2017 to 15th, 2018
9Newcastle 13th, 1991 to 4th, 19929Manly 1st, 1997 to 10th, 1998
9Manly 13th, 2020 to 4th, 2021   
9Manly 15th, 2018 to 6th, 2019   
Lowest Rank At Each Round Of Eventual Premier
Round 115thCanberra1989
Round 216thCanberra1989
Round 316thNorth Queensland2015
Round 415thNorth Queensland2015
Round 513thNorth Queensland2015
Round 611thSydney City2002
Round 710thSouths2014
Round 810thWests Tigers2005
Round 913thWests Tigers2005
Round 1010thWests Tigers2005
Round 1110thWests Tigers2005
Round 1211thWests Tigers2005
Round 1311thWests Tigers2005
Round 1411thWests Tigers2005
Round 1512thWests Tigers2005
Round 1612thWests Tigers2005
Round 1710thWests Tigers2005
Round 189thWests Tigers2005
Round 197thWests Tigers2005
Round 207thCanterbury1995
Round 216thCanterbury1995
Round 226thCanterbury1995
Round 235thSydney City2002
Round 245thSydney City2002
Round 255thSydney City2002
Round 264thSydney City2002
Round 271stPenrith2023
[League Main]